
What Is Glycocyamine?

Glycocyamine is a compound that is naturally present in the human body. When it enters the liver, it gets converted to creatine, which may be used to build muscle tissue. Glycocyamine is often also referred to as guanidinoacetic acid or GAA, and it may be found in various muscle-building products that contain creatine.
The compound is formed in the kidney from glycine and arginine. It is then transported to the liver, where it stimulates the production of creatine. Since glycocyamine may also be found in creatine products, it is usually consumed by bodybuilders and strength-training athletes to increase muscle mass and strength.
Some of the benefits of taking glycocyamine may include an increase in energy levels, an increase in muscle strength and delayed muscle fatigue. It is also advised to take this supplement in conjunction with creatine to maximize its muscle-building effects. Other supplements that may be taken in conjunction with GAA include betaine, which is also known as trimethylglycine, and protein.
Some experts believe that individuals may be classified as either a creatine responder or a creatine non-responder. Creatine responders will naturally react more favorably to creatine and will have more noticeable effects when using creatine. Non-responders are individuals who experience little or no noticeable results, even when they correctly supplement with creatine. Glycocyamine is believed to benefit both responders and non-responders favorably, and this is another reason for its popularity.
It is recommended that individuals take between 1,000 and 3,000 mg (about one to three grams) of glycocyamine per day. This may greatly depend on each individual's fitness goal and muscle-building requirements. Strength-training athletes may increase their daily dosage when required, and many bodybuilders take up to five grams of GAA per day.
Many researchers recommend combining GAA with betaine, as this supplement may greatly reduce the negative effects of GAA. The optimal dosage of betaine is estimated to be about four times that of GAA. Added benefits of betaine include reducing the risk of liver and heart disease. Betaine may be found in seafood, spinach and various grains and taken in dietary supplements or in capsule form.
Common side effects that are associated with glycocyamine may include an elevated risk of vascular disease and neurotoxicity. It is always advised to consult a medical practitioner before starting on any supplementation program and to also determine the ideal dosage.
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