Garlic is a sulphurous compound and in general a stronger tasting clove has more sulphur content and hence more potential medicinal value. Some people have suggested that organically grown garlic tends towards a higher sulphur level and hence greater benefit to health.
Shandong University(China) researchers recently investigated and studies 26 programmes on garlic and antilipemic effect. After contrast, the group of garlic, these participants' cholesterol levels dropped 0.28 mmol/L, triglyceride content dropped 0.13 mmol/L. Compared with the blank group, the group of garlic,the content of low density cholesterol or high density cholesterol did not change significantly.
In 26 programmes,22 both male or female are tested and only 4 programmes tests male. These 26 programmes contains garlic oil, garlic powder and mature garlic extract.The effects on high cholesterol participants before experiments and long time intake are more obviously.The researchers said that although garlic is not very effective in reducing cholesterol, garlic can lower blood pressure, reduce blood viscosity and garlic therapy can be beneficial for patients with cardiovascular disease. The future research will determine garlic active substance, whether gender has influence on garlic effects and Utility contrast to conventional cholesterol drugs Statin. can offer the above series of products was established in September 2010,focusing on e-commerce model innovation and business practice of bio- pharmaceutical and chemical industry, determining to build the world's leading one - stop on line trading platform of bio-pharmaceutical and chemical industry.
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