A latest study from a nutrition journal indicated that daily 4.5g chitosan supplements can reduce oxidative pressure of cholesterol and prevent inflammation.
In this random double-blind contrast, the researchers recruited 130 participants who on the critical point of high LDL cholesterol levels.They were randomly divided into four groups, the first and second groups daily have 4.5g and 1.5g chitosan supplements respectively,the third group have 1.5g of chitosan supplements with 135mg of olive oil extracts, then the fourth group using a placebo. This study lasted six weeks.
The results show that high dose of chitosan intake could significantly reduce oxidized LDL content and low dose of chitosan can also reduce LDL cholesterol levels and results showed statistical significance.However, chitosan combined with olive extract do not get additional health benefits, it also showed that low doses of olive oil extract is not sufficient to have an impact on oxidized LDL levels.
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