
kratom leaves famous for various herbal remedies as well as a psychoactive substance

Kratom, called Mitragyna speciosa in Latin, is a plant species that belongs to the Asian flora and is native to South Asia and Thailand. In its native habitat it can become tree-sized, but in non-tropical regions it is usually kept as a shrub. Kratom seeds are very small in size and are contained in a seed pod that bursts when ripe, scattering the seeds. Interest in using kratom seeds to raise kratom plants usually comes from the use of kratom leaves for various herbal remedies, and from the plant's reputation as a psychoactive substance, capable of inducing a "high." It is important to note that due to the possibility of negative effects on human health, kratom is illegal or regarded as a controlled substance in many countries, and special care should be taken so that pets and children do not ingest the leaves.

In South Asia, kratom has been used for centuries as a stimulant, usually by manual laborers. It is also used as a medicinal plant to treat diarrhea and worms. Scientific studies show that depending on the dosage and on the individual user, kratom can work either as a sedative or a stimulant. Vendors of kratom often describe it as having antidepressant and calming as well as mild euphoric and hallucinogenic properties. Kratom leaves can be used for a variety of herbal products, and are often sold dried, in capsule or powder form, or as an herbal tonic. Side effects include dry mouth, vomiting, anorexia, and insomnia.
Raising kratom plants from seed can be a difficult process. The kratom seeds need to be very fresh to sprout, and they need very specific growing conditions to thrive. It can also be difficult to obtain real kratom seeds, because some online retailers have been known to sell seeds from another plant, Mitragyna parvifolia, and label them as kratom seeds. Buying and selling any parts of kratom, including the seeds, is illegal in some countries, including Thailand, Australia, Malaysia, Denmark, Finland, Poland, Myanmar, and Lithuania.

To successfully raise a plant from kratom seeds, one will need a large number of seeds, because only about 20% of planted seeds will usually germinate. Outside their native habitat, the seeds should be planted inside in a warm location, preferably with tropical temperatures. The seeds are very small in size, and need to be sprinkled on top of the soil, then barely covered. Kratom needs very moist, nutrient-rich soil and it is recommended to add a fertilizer regularly.

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Lutein helpes the eyes to function properly

 Lutein helpes the eyes to function properly
Lutein is a naturally occurring antioxidant found in a wide range of fruits and vegetables. Classified as a carotenoid, this nutrient has a reputation for helping the eyes to function properly, both in terms of general health and their ability to process blue light. This antioxidant can be found in a number of different foods, notably dark green leafy vegetables such as kale and collards.

One of the main claims for the medicinal properties of lutein is that the carotenoid aids in reducing the chance of developing macular degeneration. Because a fair amount of the nutrient is stored in the eyes, it is thought to have a direct impact on the condition of the macula, the portion of the retina that determines the quality of central vision. There is also some evidence that lutein helps protect the eyes from free radicals, thus minimizing damage caused by the rays of the sun.

Along with fruits and vegetables, it is also possible to obtain lutein from various types of animal fats. Egg yolks are a particularly good source for the antioxidant, although the cholesterol content of the yolks sometimes inhibits using this resource. Consuming fruits such as kiwi and grapes along with turnip greens and similar vegetables is usually considered a better option
It is also possible to utilize lutein supplements as a means of boosting the amount of the antioxidant in the body. In some cases, the lutein supplement is combined with other vitamins and thiamin to encourage healthy eyes. Combination lutein vitamins are offered for sale at most health food stores and vitamin shops. Herb shops sometimes carry blends of natural herbs that also contain significant amounts of the antioxidant in the mixture of ingredients.

At present, there is no universal minimum daily requirement established for lutein consumption. Some herbalists and alternative practitioners recommend six milligrams each day as a maintenance dose, with larger doses utilized to treat eyes that are tired. When larger doses are consumed regularly, there is the possibility of the skin taking on a slightly bronze tone, a side effect that many people would consider a benefit.

Testing of lutein and the role the antioxidant plays in maintaining the eyes continues to take place. Along with some results that indicate the carotenoid helps prevent macular degeneration, some research indicates that the substance can also help with blurred vision and sensitivity to various types of light. However, it must be noted that no research results from any study are accepted throughout the medical community. This means some physicians may recommend the use of a supplement product while others will employ different treatments for various eye problems.

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Figure out Sulbutiamine
Sulbutiamine is basically a form of thiamine that has been synthetically altered in order to more easily cross the blood brain barrier (substances that can't cross this barrier can't get into the brain and can't affect it). The orgin of sulbutiamine can be traced to Japan, where beriberi, a nervous system condition marked by a deficiency in thiamine,was prevalent prior to the 20th century. After Japanese naval physician Takaki Kanehiro noted the possible link between berieri and diet,thiamine was discovered in the mid-1930s. Further work led to the development of allithiamine in 1951,which was the first thiamine derviative used for treating vitamin deficiency.

Sulbutiamine as a Nootropic. Studies have demonstrated that the use of sulbutiamine does indeed improve memory function via the potentiation of cholinergic, dopaminergic and glutaminergic transmission between neurons and this has been studied in trials on mice. This can be used then to boost memory for those just looking to improve their mental performance, but it can also be used to combat cognitive decline of other natures – for instance it can be used to prevent the amnesiac effects of dizocilpine, as well as improving memory and cognitive performance in Alzheimer's patients and schizophrenics.

The ability of sulbutiamine to improve neurotransmission also helps to improve reflexes, attention and mental alertness. This then also makes it useful for treating asthenia – a form of chronic fatigue that is based on cognitive function rather than being muscular in origin.

Sulbutiamine has no antidepressive effect but it can hasten the resorption of psycho-behavioural inhibition occurring during major depressive disorder and thereby facilitate the rehabilitation of patients in their social, professional and family life functioning. Several studies have shown that sulbutiamine improves memory through the potentiation of cholinergic, dopaminergic, and glutamatergic transmission. When sulbutiamine is administered to mice, they perform better on operant conditioning tests[14] and object recognition tests. Sulbutiamine also reduces the amnesiac effects of dizocilpine and improves memory in schizophrenics.

Other benefits of sulbutiamine include improved mood which comes as a result of the improved brain function and some people will use it to alleviate stress and even as a 'party drug'. Another recent study has suggested that sulbutiamine may help to treat cases of erectile dysfunction. The precise mechanism of this though is not yet known. Finally it is also used as an appetite suppressor and fat burner to help reduce body weight.

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Coenzyme Q10--Anti-Aging

Discovered in the year 1957, Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), as said, has properties that mimics vitamins. It is one of the essential nutrients for the human body. This substance is oil-soluble, and is produced naturally by the human body, and is also present in certain foods. Also known as ubiquinone, since its discovery, it is reported that 5000 research studies have been published on the properties it holds. Apart from humans, in many other living species, the chemical pathways that are responsible for making the nutrients vitamin E, vitamin K, and folic acid, are the ones that also make the CoQ10. For your information, the number 10 here, refers to a specific part of its chemical structure. One important fact to know is that this very substance plays a vital role in the process that generates 95% of the body's energy. That is why, organs such as the heart, the liver and kidneys, which require more energy than other organs, are the ones with the highest concentration of this vitamin-like substance.
As we age, our bodies are not able to produce enough Coenzyme Q10, therefore a supplement can be taken to compensate. These supplements help the production of energy in all cells of the body and serve as a protection for cells from free radical damage. It is a vital supplement because this nutrient supports healthy aging in terms of cell growth and maintenance. For example, cholesterol-lowering medications can deplete natural CoQ10 nutrient levels in the body, therefore, causing premature aging; supplementation of this nutrient will not interfere with these cholesterol-lowering medications and will provide the necessary energy to the cells to fight free radicals.
With age, and due to certain chronic diseases, the levels of this nutrient tend to deplete. So, experts say that, by taking CoQ10 in supplemental form, the levels of the natural form can be restored. Coenzymes help digest food and execute other body functions. They also help safeguard your heart and skeletal muscles. CoQ10 has been used for decades to help with cardiovascular conditions, especially heart failure and high blood pressure. It boosts your energy levels and helps to speed your body’s recovery from exercise because it plays a major role in muscular regeneration at the cellular level.In addition, research has shown that CoQ10 helps your immune system. Higher levels of Coenzyme Q10 are associated with lower rates of cancer, diabetes, gum disease, Parkinson’s, muscular dystrophy, muscular degeneration and periodontal disease.
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What Are Aromatic Aldehydes?

What Are Aromatic Aldehydes?
Aromatic aldehydes are organic chemical compounds that contain a carbon hydroxide radical or group, CHO, and are used as precursor chemicals in the pharmaceutical and plastics industries. The simplest of aromatic aldehydes is benzaldehyde, C6H5CHO, which is an almond extract that is used as a flavoring, and as an ingredient in some dye and plastics production. Many commercial preparations of aromatic aldehydes exist for a variety of industrial uses. Tolualdehyde or p-tolualdehyde (PTAL), is used as a intermediate compound in agricultural and pharmaceutical products, p-ethylbenzaldehyde (EBAL) is used as a flavor and fragrance, and p-isobutylbenzaldehyde (IBBAL) is an additive for plastic resins. The smallest examples of aromatic aldehydes such as benzaldehyde are soluble in water, though most of them also tend to be very flammable.
Aldehydes and ketones are related compounds where an aldehyde contains at least one hydrogen atom attached to a carbonyl group of a carbon-oxygen bond. A ketone contains two alkyl groups, CnH, attached to the carbon atom of the carbonyl group. The two most commonly used aromatic aldehydes and aromatic ketones are formaldehyde and acetone, respectively. Formaldehyde is a widely used preservative and acetone is the main ingredient in many solvents. As of 2009, approximately 6,000,000,000 pounds (2,721,554,220 kilograms) of formaldehyde were created annually in industry and 11,243,575,400 pounds (5,100,000,000 kilograms) of acetone.
There are literally hundreds of different varieties of aromatic aldehydes and ketones manufactured by the chemical industry that are used to produce plastics and dyes. While they are commonly used to synthesize other chemicals for use in agriculture and pharmaceuticals as well, their most important consumer application, aside from formaldehyde and acetone production is as perfumes and flavoring agents. Several widely used examples of aromatic aldehydes are obtained as natural derivatives, with benzaldehyde being derived from almonds, cinnamaldehyde from cinnamon, and carvone from caraway seeds as a spearmint flavor. Vanillin is another example that is obtained from vanilla beans, or can be prepared synthetically, and is known commercially as 3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, (CH3O)(OH)C6H3CHO. Aromatic esters are related compounds with hydroxyl alcohol groups, which are also used as lighter weight fragrances in consumer products.
Esters, ketones, and aromatic aldehydes also have chemical components that make them important in human biological functions. Carbohydrates such as sugars and starches are based on compounds that contain ester hydroxyl groups, or aldehydes and ketones. Steroids produced by the human body, such as testosterone, cortisone, and progesterone, are ketones as well, and retinal is an aldehyde that is essential for human vision.
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What Are Aromatic Aldehydes?

What Are Aromatic Aldehydes?
Aromatic aldehydes are organic chemical compounds that contain a carbon hydroxide radical or group, CHO, and are used as precursor chemicals in the pharmaceutical and plastics industries. The simplest of aromatic aldehydes is benzaldehyde, C6H5CHO, which is an almond extract that is used as a flavoring, and as an ingredient in some dye and plastics production. Many commercial preparations of aromatic aldehydes exist for a variety of industrial uses. Tolualdehyde or p-tolualdehyde (PTAL), is used as a intermediate compound in agricultural and pharmaceutical products, p-ethylbenzaldehyde (EBAL) is used as a flavor and fragrance, and p-isobutylbenzaldehyde (IBBAL) is an additive for plastic resins. The smallest examples of aromatic aldehydes such as benzaldehyde are soluble in water, though most of them also tend to be very flammable.
Aldehydes and ketones are related compounds where an aldehyde contains at least one hydrogen atom attached to a carbonyl group of a carbon-oxygen bond. A ketone contains two alkyl groups, CnH, attached to the carbon atom of the carbonyl group. The two most commonly used aromatic aldehydes and aromatic ketones are formaldehyde and acetone, respectively. Formaldehyde is a widely used preservative and acetone is the main ingredient in many solvents. As of 2009, approximately 6,000,000,000 pounds (2,721,554,220 kilograms) of formaldehyde were created annually in industry and 11,243,575,400 pounds (5,100,000,000 kilograms) of acetone.
There are literally hundreds of different varieties of aromatic aldehydes and ketones manufactured by the chemical industry that are used to produce plastics and dyes. While they are commonly used to synthesize other chemicals for use in agriculture and pharmaceuticals as well, their most important consumer application, aside from formaldehyde and acetone production is as perfumes and flavoring agents. Several widely used examples of aromatic aldehydes are obtained as natural derivatives, with benzaldehyde being derived from almonds, cinnamaldehyde from cinnamon, and carvone from caraway seeds as a spearmint flavor. Vanillin is another example that is obtained from vanilla beans, or can be prepared synthetically, and is known commercially as 3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, (CH3O)(OH)C6H3CHO. Aromatic esters are related compounds with hydroxyl alcohol groups, which are also used as lighter weight fragrances in consumer products.
Esters, ketones, and aromatic aldehydes also have chemical components that make them important in human biological functions. Carbohydrates such as sugars and starches are based on compounds that contain ester hydroxyl groups, or aldehydes and ketones. Steroids produced by the human body, such as testosterone, cortisone, and progesterone, are ketones as well, and retinal is an aldehyde that is essential for human vision.
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What Is Ferulic Acid?

What Is Ferulic Acid?
Ferulic acid is a natural chemical that is found in the cell walls of plants. It is one of a number of natural plant chemicals, called phytochemicals, which are found in a wide variety of plant species. The official name for this chemical is 4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid, and its molecular formula is C10H10O4. The chemical is synthesized within plant cells by an enzyme called o-methyl transferase, which uses caffeic acid, a phytochemical that in spite of its name is not related to caffeine, to produce ferulic acid.

Ferulic acid structure is based around a benzene ring and, like many phytochemicals, it acts as an antioxidant by absorbing free radicals from the surrounding environment. As an antioxidant it may, therefore, act as an anti-cancer agent. It is often used as an ingredient in various supplements that claim to slow down the aging process. Such supplements sometimes go by the name of ferulic acid serum. Other health benefits that have been attributed to this substance include reduction of cholesterol in the blood, protection against the degeneration of bone, stabilization of levels of blood glucose in diabetic patients, and the relief of "hot flushing" symptoms experienced by menopausal women.
In its native form in the cell walls of plants, ferulic acid works in conjunction with another phytochemical called dihydroferulic acid to form part of a compound called lignocellulose, an important structural substance in plant cells that provides strength to the cell wall. This substance is particularly common in the seeds and leaves of cereal plants, including wheat, rice, maize, and oats. Other sources include fruits such as pineapples, apples, and oranges.

Ferulic acid solubility relies on an alkaline environment, and the chemical can be extracted from various plants with the use of a strong alkaline solution. Ferulic acid esterase, an enzyme that can be harvested from certain bacteria and fungi, is sometimes used to aid the extraction process. When extracted and purified, the substance takes the form of a yellow-colored powder.

The uses of this chemical, aside from applications in the field of health and alternative medicine, include the manufacture of an artificial form of vanilla flavoring. It is also sometimes used by scientists when studying the structure of certain protein molecules by mass spectrometry. A ferulic acid solution can be used to suspend protein molecules, whose structure may then be analyzed using laser technology.
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Bilberry ingestion improves disease activity in mild to moderate ulcerative colitis

Bilberry ingestion improves disease activity in mild to moderate ulcerative colitis
Bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus), also referred to as “European blueberries”, and other members of the Vaccinium family possess a naturally high content of polyphenols, of which anthocyanins constitute the biggest fraction with 50–80%. [14] and [15] An anthocyanin rich bilberry extract was shown to alter the expression of various genes implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in an apo E-deficient mouse model.16 In a randomized human study including individuals at increased risk for cardiovascular disease significant decreases in plasma concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin (IL)-6, IL-15, and monokine induced by INF-c (MIG) were observed in the group receiving bilberry juice.17 Moreover, anthocyanins inhibited the adhesion of Neisseria meningitidis to cultured human epithelial cells.18 In rats, bilberry extract was protective against doxorubicin induced oxidative cardiotoxicity.19 In humans, a decrease in postprandial insulin demand after the ingestion of a bilberry containing drink was shown recently.20 In addition, a potential chemopreventive effect of anthocyanins in colorectal cancer (CRC) was suggested in a pilot trial of human subjects with CRC, where bilberry intake induced a significant decrease of proliferative markers in tumor tissue.21

In an open pilot trial with a total follow-up of 9 weeks the effect of a daily standardized anthocyanin-rich bilberry preparation was tested in 13 patients with mild to moderate UC. Clinical, biochemical, endoscopic and histologic parameters were assessed.

At the end of the 6 week treatment interval 63.4% of patients achieved remission, the primary endpoint, while 90.9% of patients showed a response. In all patients a decrease in total Mayo score was detected (mean: 6.5 and 3.6 at screening and week 7, respectively; p < 0.001). Fecal calprotectin levels significantly decreased during the treatment phase (baseline: mean 778 μg/g, range 192–1790 μg/g; end of treatment: mean 305 μg/g, range < 30–1586 μg/g; p = 0.049), including 4 patients achieving undetectable levels at end of treatment. A decrease in endoscopic Mayo score and histologic Riley index confirmed the beneficial effect. However, an increase of calprotectin levels and disease activity was observed after cessation of bilberry intake. No serious adverse events were observed.

This is the first report on the promising therapeutic potential of a standardized anthocyanin-rich bilberry preparation in UC in humans. These results clearly indicate a therapeutic potential of bilberries in UC. Further studies on mechanisms and randomized clinical trials are warranted.

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Preparation and characteristics of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin polymeric nanocapsules loading nimodipine

Preparation and characteristics of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin polymeric nanocapsules loading nimodipine
Cyclodextrins, as they are known today, were called "cellulosine" when first described by A. Villiers in 1891. Soon after, F. Schardinger identified the three naturally occurring cyclodextrins -α, -β, and -γ. These compounds were therefore referred to as "Schardinger sugars". For 25 years, between 1911 and 1935, Pringsheim in Germany was the leading researcher in this area, demonstrating that cyclodextrins formed stable aqueous complexes with many other chemicals. By the mid 1970s, each of the natural cyclodextrins had been structurally and chemically characterized and many more complexes had been studied. Since the 1970s, extensive work has been conducted by Szejtli and others exploring encapsulation by cyclodextrins and their derivatives for industrial and pharmacologic applications. Among the processes used for complexation, the kneading process seems to be one of the best.

Nimodipine loaded hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin polymeric nanocapsules were prepared by interfacial polyaddition of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and isophorone diisocyante in a miniemulsion system(By Zhejiang University).The effects of ultrasonicate times on the preparation of miniemulsion, the total amount of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and isophorone diisocyante, and the molar ratio of isophorone diisocyante to hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin on the capsule size and drug release behavior from capsule were investigated. The chitosan based polymeric nanocapsules were prepared as a control to study the effect of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin molecules in capsule matrix on the drug release. The results indicated that the droplet size of miniemulsion and capsule size decreased with increasing sonicate times. When the total amount of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and isophorone diisocyante, and the molar ratio of isophorone diisocyante to hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin were increased, the capsule as well, but the drug release rates from capsules became slower. The drug release behaviors from hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin polymeric nanocapsules were affected by the drug diffusion through the polymer matrix and the formation of inclusion complex between drug and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin.

The hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin-based polymeric capsules loading nimodipine with nanosized dimension could be prepared by interfacial polyaddition reaction in a miniemulsion system. The capsule size could be controlled by the sonicate treatment times in the preparation of miniemulsion. The total amount of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and isophorone diisocyante, and the molar ratio of isophorone diisocyante to hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin also affected the size of resulted capsule and the drug release behavior in vitro from the nanocapsules. The drug release behaviors in vitro from hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin based polymeric capsules were influenced by the drug diffusion from polymeric matrix and the inclusion of drug and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin.

Phosphatidylserine enhance memory and cognitive performance

Phosphatidylserine is a specialized lipid that occurs naturally in the body. While it is a necessary component to regulate the function of all cells, it is found in the highest concentration in the brain. In fact, phosphatidylserine plays a key role in neurotransmission and synaptic function. As such, researchers began to investigate the potential of this cellular nutrient in the prevention and treatment of cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Positive response in study subjects participating in early clinical trials led to this substance being promoted as a dietary supplement to enhance memory and cognitive performance.

Since aging adults can lose as much as 50 percent of their ability to perform ordinary tasks that are dependent on memory recall and cognitive skill, a phosphatidylserine supplement seemed to be the answer to deterring age-related mental decline. However, study results have remained inconclusive, even contradictory. While many study subjects have shown significant improvement during the course of a trial, similarly constructed trials have shown that the supplement becomes less effective within months, even weeks. In addition, the most benefit was observed in subjects with the lease severe symptoms of impaired cognitive functioning.
This doesn’t mean that phosphatidylserine is no longer considered a prospective therapeutic agent in the future. It just means that the current body of medical literature doesn’t yet support a clear relationship between phosphatidylserine supplementation and cognitive dysfunction. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a qualified health claim for this nutrient in a May 2003 decision letter, however. Therefore, U.S. manufacturers are permitted to include the following statements on product labels: “Consumption of phosphatidylserine may reduce the risk of dementia in the elderly," and "Consumption of phosphatidylserine may reduce the risk of cognitive dysfunction in the elderly."

Phosphatidylserine may have other applications. For example, more recent research has demonstrated that this nutrient may also help to reduce stress and improve physical endurance. A few studies involving young adults indicate that supplementation improves mood while undergoing mental or emotional stress. Other studies have shown that athletes may be able to better regulate fluctuations in cortisol levels induced by exercise and muscle stress. Most impressive are findings that indicate phosphatidylserine may shorten recovery time for sports-related injuries.

With the exception of mild stomach upset, few phosphatidylserine side effects have been reported. However, due concerns over Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Mad Cow Disease), supplements are no longer derived from bovine cortex. Instead, this nutrient is now extracted from soy. There are also natural food sources of phosphatidylserine. Those with the highest concentration include mackerel, herring, tuna, soft-shelled clams, chicken liver, and white beans.

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Luteolin serves to eliminate free radicals and act as an anti-inflammatory agent

 Luteolin serves to eliminate free radicals and act as an anti-inflammatory agent
Luteolin is a biological substance, generally found in plant tissues that are yellow-green in color. It is one specific member of the much broader category of plant compounds known as flavanoids, whose properties are of interest to science and medicine. It occurs naturally in a variety of foods, and a much broader array of herbs and plants which are edible but rarely consumed. Some scientific studies have attributed a number of health benefits to the consumption of luteolin, specifically, and the entire category of flavanoids more generally. Research on the possible health benefits of these substances is still ongoing, and not yet conclusive, but luteolin supplements are available on the market.

Flavanoids are produced by plants primarily for their pigmentation properties. Many of the colors used by plants to attract pollinating insects are produced by flavanoid compounds. Flavanoids generally are thought to possess medically useful properties, and have been shown to frequently function as free radical scavengers and anti-inflammatory agents.

The best dietary sources of luteolin are celery, green peppers, carrots, olive oil and artichokes, and it is also found in many commonly used herbs such as thyme, parsley,and oregano. Many plants that are edible but not normally eaten are also very high in luteolin. Dandelions, for example, are a very good source of this biological compound as well as being nutritious in other respects.
Scientists have investigated several potential health benefits stemming from luteolin consumption. The initial research on the compound’s effects was promising and suggested several potential health benefits and medical uses. Like all flavanoids, it serves to eliminate free radicals and can act as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is likely to be of use in treating or preventing certain types of cancers and may offer relief from diarrhea. It might also serve to reduce the severity of undesirable immune responses, which could be of help in treating auto-immune disorders or reducing the severity of allergy symptoms.

Luteolin may have some negative effects as well. Some studies have linked flavanoids to increased vulnerability to cancers, including leukemia, in unborn babies. Although the exact ideal dosage of luteolin is uncertain, both it and the other flavanoid compounds are available in a variety of nutritional supplements. As with all nutritional supplements, some caution should be exercised before adding them to a health plan, and research into specific brands and their reputation for purity and quality should be undertaken before selecting a supplement

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Three excellent skin whitening agents

There are many women all across the globe doing all sorts of things just to get a whiter or fairer skin complexion. Embedded in this skin whitening craze is the assumption that women who have white skin are being given more opportunities in life. In fact, women who want to learn skin whitening tips yearn for a more beautiful self-image. For some of them, they want to whiten their skin because of certain skin problems that come with age. Since aging brings with it all sorts of skin discolorations, older women are also interested to learn more tips on how to minimize these skin darkening problems.
Skin whitening mixtures are easy to make. Many people prefer to have lighter skin tone. They use various methods to make their skin look lighter. There are several products available in the market that can be used for skin lightening. However, you cannot be sure about the results because they are made up of various ingredients including some chemicals. People who have sensitive skin may not be able to use them. The best way to lighten the skin is to use a homemade skin whitening cream or paste. It is more effective and will not cause any side effects.
As you can see, there are so many ways to whiten your skin. Here we introduce some of top skin whitening agents.
壬二酸 Azelaic acid (1,7-heptanedicarboxyilic acid, AZA) is a naturally occurring non-toxic straight chain, saturated dicarboxylic acid derived from Pityrosporum ovale, the organism responsible for pityriasis versicolor. Azelaic acid appears to selectively influence the mechanism of hyperactive and abnormal melanocytes, but minimally influences normal skin pigmentation, freckles, nevi and senile lentigenes.
The depigmenting activity of azelaic acid appears to be mediated by an antiproliferative and cytotoxic effect on melanocytes by potent inhibition of thioredoxin reductase, an enzyme involved in mitochondrial oxidoreductase activation and DNA synthesis.
The compound is also able to bind amino and carboxyl groups and may prevent the interaction of tyrosine in the active site of tyrosinase and thus function as a competitive and reversible inhibitor. Its lightening effect appears to be selective and most apparent in highly active melanocytes, with minimal effects in normally pigmented skin.
曲酸Kojic acid (5-hydoxy-4-pyran-4-one-2-methyl) is a fungal metabolite derived from various fungal species such as Acetobacter, Aspergillus, and Penicillium that is chemically related to hydroquinone and acts as a tyrosinase inhibitor. It functions by chelating copper at the active site of the tyrosinase enzyme. It also acts as an antioxidant and prevents the conversion of the o-quinone to DL-DOPA and dopamine to its corresponding melanin. Melanocytes that are treated with kojic acid become nondendritic and have decreased melanin content. Kojic acid also acts as a free radical scavenger.
熊果苷Arbutin, (hydroquinone-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside) a naturally occurring -d-glucopyranoside derivative of hydroquinone.Arbutin exerted its effect through a controlled release of hydroquinone by the in vivo hydrolysis of the glycosidic bond. It is reported by various researchers to inhibit the oxidation of L-DOPA catalysed by mushroom tyrosinase. A recent study indicated that arbutin inhibits melanin synthesis by inhibition of tyrosinase activity. This appears to be due to the inhibition of melanosomal tyrosinase activity and Pmel-17 protein at noncytotoxic concentrations rather than the suppression of this enzyme’s synthesis and expression. It also inhibits the maturation of melanosomes, possibly by its reported influence on DHICA (5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid) polymerase activity. It is thought that the activity of arbutin is driven by the structural homologies that it shares with the substrate tyrosine. It was showed that arbutin inhibits the oxidation of L-tyrosine (monophenolase activity) catalysed by mushroom tyrosinase and that it competes for active binding sites in tyrosinase without influencing the mRNA transcription of tyrosinase or being oxidized.  However, arbutin itself was oxidized as a monophenol substrate at an extremely slow rate, and the oxidation was accelerated as soon as catalytic amounts (0.01 mM) of l-3,4- dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) became available as a cofactor.
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Aniracetam: a new nootropic agent for senile dementia

Aniracetam: a new nootropic agent for senile dementia
Senile dementia includes a range of diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Lewy body dementia, and vascular dementia. Although these diseases have different causes, they share similar symptoms. Common senile dementia symptoms include loss of language, memory, and cognitive ability. Since many people experience the occasional lapse of memory or inability to think of a word, a doctor will usually only diagnose a patient with some form of dementia if the patient displays multiple senile dementia symptoms.

Perhaps the most recognized of all senile dementia symptoms is memory loss. A person in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease may occasionally forget where he or she is or whom he or she is talking to. Memory problems worsen as Alzheimer's progresses. A patient in the later stages of the disease may forget to perform daily tasks, such as taking medication. Alternatively, he or she may remember to take his or her medicine but not recall taking it already that day.

Loss of language ability and the ability to make judgments are other senile dementia symptoms. In an emergency or other situation where quick thinking is required, a person suffering from dementia may seem uncertain about what to do. He or she may also have difficulty remembering words or difficulty expressing him- or herself verbally. As the disease progresses, language problems may extend to not being able to understand directions or recipes or not being able to perform simple arithmetic.

Aniracetam appears to positively modulate metabotropic glutamate receptors and
alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-sensitive glutamate receptors, and may facilitate cholinergic transmission.

Forty-four patients with senile dementia of the Alzheimer type were randomly allocated into double-blind treatment with either aniracetam (RO 13-5057) 1 g or placebo daily for 3 months. Neurological examinations were made before and after treatment and psychometric tests were performed before and after 1 month's and after 3 month's treatment. Treatment was interrupted due to occurrence of confusion in four cases in the aniracetam group and in one case in the placebo group. During treatment, an improvement was seen in several cognitive tests, especially those associated with memory, but this improvement occurred in the placebo as well as in the aniracetam-treated group. In clinical evaluation no difference was seen in efficacy between the two treatment groups.

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eBiochem.com was established in September 2010,focusing on e-commerce model innovation and business practice of bio- pharmaceutical and chemical industry, determining to build the world's leading one - stop on line trading platform of bio-pharmaceutical and chemical industry.
Please feel free to contact us, if you have any question.
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Methylparaben possess antibacterial and antifungal properties

Methylparaben is a member of the paraben family, a group of compounds that possess antibacterial and antifungal properties. These agents are esters of para-hydroxybenzoic acid, which is why they’re collectively called parabens. However, in contrast to its cousins, ethylparaben, butylparaben, and propylparaben, methylparaben receives its specific name owing to the fact that its chemical structure contains the methyl alkyl group.

Due to its antimicrobial properties, methylparaben is used extensively as a water-soluble preservative in many foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products. Although methylparaben is usually synthesized in a laboratory for this purpose, it is essentially identical in molecular structure to the same compound that occurs in nature. In fact, most plants synthesize para-hydroxybenzoic acid into parabens as a defense mechanism to thwart attacks from bacteria and fungi. Those that are known to produce methylparaben specifically include wintergreen, birthwort, and blueberries.

Advocates of organic and natural foods and cosmetics have expressed concerns over the use of parabens in consumer products for years, but there is little evidence to warrant it. While it is true that methylparaben is readily absorbed through the skin as well as in the intestinal tract, it is converted back into para-hydroxybenzoic acid and quickly excreted through urine. In fact, the only negative side effects that have been documented are contact dermatitis and skin sensitivity, both occurring with rare frequency and only in reaction to very high concentrations of test material.
There is even less evidence to support the persistent belief that methylparaben is carcinogenic and oestrogenic. Numerous studies involving humans have consistently demonstrated that para-hydroxybenzoic acid is non-toxic. In addition, a great number of plants and fruits contain constituents that exhibit far more oestrogenic activity than methylparaben, including clover, apple, cabbage, potato, carrot, wheat, and scores of others.

In terms of environmental impact, methylparaben is completely and readily biodegradable. As might be expected, it is degraded into para-hydroxybenzoic acid by exposure to water, sunlight, and microscopic organisms in the soil. In addition, the degradation of methylparaben actually helps to remove toxic phenols from the surrounding environment. This is possible because bacteria belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family feed off of the carbon molecules in methylparaben, which leaves phenol as a by-product. Another strain of bacterium known as Pseudomonas consume the leftover phenol for energy by breaking the substance down into harmless carbon compounds.

Some of the synthetic alternatives to using methylparaben as a preservative do not share the same positive qualities noted here. For example, like methylparaben, thimerosal has been used in vaccines, although it has been eliminated or reduced to very small amounts in most. Thimerosal has been shown to be a neurotoxin and accumulates in the fatty tissue of marine life. Beyond a small potential for skin sensitivity to develop, no detrimental effects have been found from using methylparaben to preserve vaccines or other injection medicines.

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eBiochem.com was established in September 2010,focusing on e-commerce model innovation and business practice of bio- pharmaceutical and chemical industry, determining to build the world's leading one - stop on line trading platform of bio-pharmaceutical and chemical industry.
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