Many people are plagued by dark under-eye circles. If you are looking for the best products for dark circles under your eyes, you should first determine the cause of the blemishes. Oftentimes, under-eye circles are caused by puffiness, venous leakage, age, or genetics. Effective treatment means finding the right product to treat the cause.
One of the major causes of under-eye discoloration is puffiness, which can occur for any number of reasons. When your eyes become swollen, the skin underneath can sag, while the inflamed upper and lower lids can cast shadows under the eyes, giving them a darker look. Sometimes, if the puffiness is caused by congestion that typically accompanies colds and allergies, the most effective products for dark circles might be those that relieve sinus pressure and congestion, such as decongestants and antihistamines. Cool compresses applied to the eyes can also help to decrease puffiness. If allergies are causing you to rub your eyes, and you think that is contributing to the puffiness, several prescription and nonprescription eye drops are available that will help relieve the itching and inflammation.
Many times, under-eye blemishes are caused by mild venous leakage under the skin below the eyes. A network of tiny blood vessels run through the area beneath your eyes. Due to the fact that these capillaries are so small, the blood flowing through them often gets clogged and leaks out of the vessels into the skin. The skin under the eye is very thin, so the bluish blemishes from these leaky capillaries is readily visible and can look like bruises.
The best products for dark circles caused by venous congestion and leakage often have ingredients designed to promote blood clotting and heal the capillary walls. For instance, vitamin K, an ingredient in several under-eye creams, speeds the clotting and reabsorpton process, while hesperidin methyl chalcone, another popular ingredient, helps to strengthen capillary walls and keep them from leaking. Consequently, look for creams and lotions that contain these or similar ingredients designed to assist with blood clotting and vessel healing.
Age is also a culprit in creating under-eye discoloration. As a person ages, the skin thins and looses its elasticity. The effect is twofold: The resulting wrinkles have a shadowing effect, while the bluish capillaries are more visible through the thinning skin. Both of these factors contribute to the appearance of blemishes.
If you suspect that age is affecting your skin's appearance, then the best products for dark circles might be antiaging creams. These creams are designed to restore youthful suppleness to skin while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Many of these types of products are designed specifically for under-eye use and contain ingredients such as retinol and hyaluronic acid, as well as vitamins, such as vitamins C and E. In addition, many of them contain moisturizers to further enhance the healthful look of your skin.
Unfortunately, sometimes the discoloration is genetic and is simply the natural tone of your skin. If you've tried other remedies but nothing seems to work, genetics might be to blame. In that case, the best product for you might be a high-quality concealer. Beauty stores and pharmacies sell a variety of powders and creams designed to minimize the appearance of blemishes under the eyes by covering them and blending in a more natural skin tone. Typically, you'll get the best results from a product that is a shade lighter than your natural skin tone.
Of course, everyone is different, and your under-eye concerns might be caused by a combination of factors. In that instance, the best products for dark circles might be ones that combine several ingredients, such as a clotting agent, skin toner, and wrinkle reducer. Aside from choosing the most effective product, if you want to lessen the appearance of circles under your eyes, be sure to get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, and find ways to reduce stress in your life.