Discovered in the year 1957, Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), as said, has properties that mimics vitamins. It is one of the essential nutrients for the human body. This substance is oil-soluble, and is produced naturally by the human body, and is also present in certain foods. Also known as ubiquinone, since its discovery, it is reported that 5000 research studies have been published on the properties it holds. Apart from humans, in many other living species, the chemical pathways that are responsible for making the nutrients vitamin E, vitamin K, and folic acid, are the ones that also make the CoQ10. For your information, the number 10 here, refers to a specific part of its chemical structure. One important fact to know is that this very substance plays a vital role in the process that generates 95% of the body's energy. That is why, organs such as the heart, the liver and kidneys, which require more energy than other organs, are the ones with the highest concentration of this vitamin-like substance.
As we age, our bodies are not able to produce enough Coenzyme Q10, therefore a supplement can be taken to compensate. These supplements help the production of energy in all cells of the body and serve as a protection for cells from free radical damage. It is a vital supplement because this nutrient supports healthy aging in terms of cell growth and maintenance. For example, cholesterol-lowering medications can deplete natural CoQ10 nutrient levels in the body, therefore, causing premature aging; supplementation of this nutrient will not interfere with these cholesterol-lowering medications and will provide the necessary energy to the cells to fight free radicals.
With age, and due to certain chronic diseases, the levels of this nutrient tend to deplete. So, experts say that, by taking CoQ10 in supplemental form, the levels of the natural form can be restored. Coenzymes help digest food and execute other body functions. They also help safeguard your heart and skeletal muscles. CoQ10 has been used for decades to help with cardiovascular conditions, especially heart failure and high blood pressure. It boosts your energy levels and helps to speed your body’s recovery from exercise because it plays a major role in muscular regeneration at the cellular level.In addition, research has shown that CoQ10 helps your immune system. Higher levels of Coenzyme Q10 are associated with lower rates of cancer, diabetes, gum disease, Parkinson’s, muscular dystrophy, muscular degeneration and periodontal disease. can offer the above series of products was established in September 2010,focusing on e-commerce model innovation and business practice of bio- pharmaceutical and chemical industry, determining to build the world's leading one - stop on line trading platform of bio-pharmaceutical and chemical industry.
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