
What Are the Best Vitamins for Eyesight?

Common wisdom has always said that eating carrots is good for the eyes, and science stands behind the claim. Specific vitamins for eyesight health can be found in carrots, which are an excellent source of carotene, used by the body to make vitamin A. The vegetable also possesses good amounts of vitamins E and C, plus other antioxidants. Vitamin A helps humans see better at night, and a prolonged deficiency can lead to blindness. Vitamins E and C are believed to help lower the risk of developing cataracts. Other nutrients and vitamins for eyesight health include lutein, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.
Specific vitamins for eyesight, like vitamins C and A, are necessary for people to maintain their vision. The human body does not make its own vitamin C, requiring people to absorb it from their food or in supplement form. The body cannot produce vitamin E either, which can be found in nuts and some cereals that have supplemented their ingredients. Without an adequate amount of vitamin E, nerve damage is possible, including to the eye, which could suffer involuntary movements.
Omega-3 fatty acids are considered crucial for vision health, and a lack can lead to problems in the retina. Zinc can preserve night vision, as vitamin A does. Zinc helps the body produce melanin, necessary to protect the retina. The body doesn’t produce zinc on its own, and the nutrient must be found in food or supplements.
Health professionals point out that people who have eye problems should be evaluated by a physician, rather than self-diagnosing or self-treating. A person should also consult their physician or other health care provider before adding any type of supplement to the medicines they are already taking. At the same time, eating healthy is also recommended to maintain optimum health, with food sources that are believed to provide the correct vitamins for eyesight health.
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