

Figure out Sulbutiamine
Sulbutiamine is basically a form of thiamine that has been synthetically altered in order to more easily cross the blood brain barrier (substances that can't cross this barrier can't get into the brain and can't affect it). The orgin of sulbutiamine can be traced to Japan, where beriberi, a nervous system condition marked by a deficiency in thiamine,was prevalent prior to the 20th century. After Japanese naval physician Takaki Kanehiro noted the possible link between berieri and diet,thiamine was discovered in the mid-1930s. Further work led to the development of allithiamine in 1951,which was the first thiamine derviative used for treating vitamin deficiency.

Sulbutiamine as a Nootropic. Studies have demonstrated that the use of sulbutiamine does indeed improve memory function via the potentiation of cholinergic, dopaminergic and glutaminergic transmission between neurons and this has been studied in trials on mice. This can be used then to boost memory for those just looking to improve their mental performance, but it can also be used to combat cognitive decline of other natures – for instance it can be used to prevent the amnesiac effects of dizocilpine, as well as improving memory and cognitive performance in Alzheimer's patients and schizophrenics.

The ability of sulbutiamine to improve neurotransmission also helps to improve reflexes, attention and mental alertness. This then also makes it useful for treating asthenia – a form of chronic fatigue that is based on cognitive function rather than being muscular in origin.

Sulbutiamine has no antidepressive effect but it can hasten the resorption of psycho-behavioural inhibition occurring during major depressive disorder and thereby facilitate the rehabilitation of patients in their social, professional and family life functioning. Several studies have shown that sulbutiamine improves memory through the potentiation of cholinergic, dopaminergic, and glutamatergic transmission. When sulbutiamine is administered to mice, they perform better on operant conditioning tests[14] and object recognition tests. Sulbutiamine also reduces the amnesiac effects of dizocilpine and improves memory in schizophrenics.

Other benefits of sulbutiamine include improved mood which comes as a result of the improved brain function and some people will use it to alleviate stress and even as a 'party drug'. Another recent study has suggested that sulbutiamine may help to treat cases of erectile dysfunction. The precise mechanism of this though is not yet known. Finally it is also used as an appetite suppressor and fat burner to help reduce body weight.

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